


2024年12月6日(金) 16:00 開催

場 所
総合医科学研究棟 ラウンジ
演 題
Pioneering the Future of Cancer Immunotherapy: A New Era of Synthetic Immunology through Computational Modeling
Taisuke Kondo D.V.M., Ph.D
Pediatric Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy has revolutionized the treatment of hematological malignancies. However, its application to solid tumors has been hindered by poor specificity and potential toxicity to healthy tissues. To address these limitations, we developed an integrated approach combining a high-throughput robotic platform with mathematical modeling to systematically evaluate and optimize T-cell function. This novel approach enabled us to uncover previously unknown signaling crosstalk within CAR T-cells, leading to the development of an optimized CAR design. Our enhanced CAR T-cell platform demonstrates significantly improved anti-tumor activity while minimizing toxicity to healthy tissues. These findings highlight the power of computational modeling in simulating immune cell behaviors and provide a robust framework for designing more precise and effective cancer immunotherapies.
担 当
先端医科学研究所 がん免疫研究部門 教室
責任者:籠谷 勇紀 教授(内線 63652)

2025年1月28日(火) 17:00 開催

場 所
臨床研究棟1階 ラウンジ
演 題
Gynecologic Clinicians and Translational Research
Masaki Mandai MD, PhD
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
The term translational research has been in use for over 25 years and become a familiar concept in clinical practice. However, its perception often remains narrowly focused on drug development as a typical example, leading many clinicians to associate it primarily with large-scale clinical trials conducted by specialized experts.
In reality, translational research encompasses the process of applying diverse scientific discoveries to address unmet clinical needs. This broader understanding reveals that translational research does not necessarily require grand-scale endeavors; rather, it can be pursued more accessible by clinicians who recognize its potential.
I aim to share our initiatives and reflect on how gynecological clinicians-particularly younger practitioners-can engage in translational research more effectively.
担 当
産婦人科学 教室
責任者:田中  守 教授
担当者:山田 満稔 教授(内線 62381)
